Jalaluddin Rumi

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Jalaluddin rumi. جلال الدین محمد بلخى also known as jalāl ad dīn muhammad rūmī جلال الدین محمد رومی and more popularly in the english speaking world simply as rumi 30 september 1207 17 december 1273 was a 13th century persian poet jurist theologian and sufi mystic. Baha walad was an authority in both exoteric and esoteric islam. 2074 quotes from rumi. Rumi was born to native persian speaking parents originally from the balkh in present day afghanistan he was born either in wakhsh a village on the vakhsh river in present day tajikistan or in the city of balkh in present day afghanistan.
Find images exactly you are looking for from more than 53 100 000 of royalty free stock photos illustrations and vectors. Mawlana jalaluddin rumi disciple of sheikh burhanuddin muhaqqiq al tirmidhi disciple of sheikh bahauddin walad mawlana s father disciple of sheikh shams al din al sarakhsi disciple of sheikh ahmad khatibi hazrat bahauddin s grandfather disciple of sheikh ahmad ghazali disciple of sheikh abu bakr nassaj tusi disciple of. Jalaluddin rumi 1173 cinta mengubah kekasaran menjadi kelembutan mengubah orang tak berpendirian menjadi teguh berpendirian mengubah pengecut menjadi pemberani mengubah penderitaan menjadi kebahagiaan dan cinta membawa perubahan perubahan bagi siang dan malam. I ll meet you there.
Greater balkh was at that time a major centre of persian culture and sufism had developed there for several centuries. His father baha walad was descended from the first caliph abu bakr and was influenced by the ideas of ahmad ghazali brother of the famous philosopher. Download and enjoy fresh incredible images added every day. Jalaluddin rumi wisdom quotes view some of the most famous wisdom quotes by jalaluddin rumi.
When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about and the wound is the place where the light enters you. Shrine of jalaluddin rumi in konya turkey stock photo no 60971866. His father baha uddin walad was a well known and respected preacher ju risprudent and sufi whose spiritual lineage was traced to ahmad al ghazzali a famous sufi master of an earlier century. Jalāl ad dīn muhammad balkhī persian.
His poetry is still well known throughout the. Baha walad s sermons were published and still exist as divine sciences ma arif. Jalaluddin rumi was born on september 30 1207. Jalaluddin rumi better known simply as rumi was perhaps the finest persian poet of all time and a great influence on muslim writing and culture.
Jalal al din rumi was born on september 30 1207 in balkh afghanistan.